What would 80% improvement mean for your life?

Can I tell you a story? Too late.

Uma lives a fantastic life. She is busy here in town, and frequently goes out of town for business and plenty of fun. She does her best to stay out of trouble, but in her 50s started to notice a little something in her low back. 

It was nothing big, every once in a while it would be a little sore. Then, after a beautiful round of golf on a hot summer day, her left foot went numb. “That’s weird,” she thought. 

Uma decided to get it checked out. She went to several chiropractors that were recommended to her. They told her adjustments would help, but they didn’t. She was ready to give up. On the advice of a friend and patient of ours she came in for a consult and told us her story.

We listened, we learned about not only the numbness in the foot, but also that she had foot drop (that’s doctor talk for not being able to lift up your foot without help). This extreme weakness in her foot and the other symptoms were the result of a disc problem in her low back. 

You read that right! You know what else, when she came in for treatment she had no back pain. Only leg pain, numbness, and weakness.

We were definitely up against it. When you have those things in the leg, it means the nerve is definitely involved. The tricky part is knowing which nerve, and where. So…we figured it out. 

She had a bad disc bulge that was pressing on the nerve. She also had a ton of adhesion in her low back and hips.

So, we went about fixing it. Treating the adhesion and getting those muscles and nerves healthier. Then we went on to treat the disc directly. 

And…she got better! Her flexibility was 50% in the low back! Garbage. It's no wonder she had such a problem. She went from Garbageland to 80% function of her low back. That’s a huge change and a big improvement. The final piece…her strength is coming back. Not all the way yet, but her foot drop is gone and she continues to strengthen every day. 

At her last progress report she reported 80% improvement.

What would 80% improvement mean for your life? What would you do?